2017.05.17 - A Thoroughly Soggy Day

As I sit here at 21:15 I can see from my weather station that we have had 23.2mm of rain today. None of it heavy, just a continuous rain for the entire day. Not that we didn't need it because we did. But it does make working on Naiad just a little difficult. So much so that I stayed in the dry!

The first task of the day, just after breakfast, was the construction of the luff rope for the jib, you can see it here.

I did try to get a thimble in the loop but it was just too difficult, so I used soft eyes instead. I don't think it should matter too much.

The job for the rest of the day, well after I'd finished work and we had done the shopping, was to sew this wire into the luff of the jib. It took about three hours and that was without finishing off one end. Before I sew that last eye into the sail I have to push the wire into the sail as much as possible so that when the wire is hauled tight, the sail will be stretched ensuring that there are no wrinkles in the luff of the sail. Well, that's the idea anyway.

