2017.05.02 - More Bottom Boards

The task for the day, apart from varnishing, was to continue the construction of the bottom boards. The boards glued up yesterday, having spent the night in the workshop and the day in the warm conservatory, were shaped, sanded trimmed and adjusted to fit.

Here's the first one complete with finger hole.

And here is where it fits.

A different angle of the same thing.

Here are the other four after they had been worked on. The locker door under the bridge deck will need to have a bit trimmed of the bottom since as it is the door will not open if the bottom board is in place.

Once the five boards were dealt with the remaining two were glued up. This is the widest one and goes in the aft of the cockpit.

This one is the companion to the first one shown at the top of the page.

The look very different when varnished.

But the varnish is required as protection from the sun and water.

The tiller, mast, bowsprit and quant ends were also varnished. That makes five coats for varnish on the mast but I think I'll put more on as five coats was the minimum suggested for marine use.
