2017.04.25 - The List Grows Shorter

The first task of the day was to glue the octagonal plug to the underside of the mast truck. This was clamped securely in place and then brought in to the house to warm up with the hope that it would be ready this afternoon. It was but the first task for this afternoon was the second coat of varnish on the curved top.

The completed truck was given a last sanding...

...and fitted into place. The screws in the mast band were removed and longer ones put in and these also screwed into the plug holding the truck firmly in place. The top of the mast had some sealant put around the edge first and some was also put into the screw holes. Then, once everything was screwed back together the sealant that has squeezed out around the screw heads was patted over the screws with a wet finger.

The next task was to suspend the mast from the rafters by the gooseneck and the lower mast band.

Some boat interior work was next on the list. This eyebolt was fitted, it will form the attachment point for one of the blocks that will be attached to the centre plate. Then a number of the temporary steel screws were removed and silicon bronzes put in place. Some of the steel screws snapped off, so those one will be covered over with sealant at some point. Hopefully they will not leak rust everywhere.

I noticed that there were some very dark clouds heading my way as I went out to he boat with a bucket full of tools, so once I was in the boat I replaced the cockpit cover from the inside and closed the main hatch. Sure enough, as I was lying on my side in the starboard bunk dealing with the screws it rained and I lay there for a few moments listening to the sound of the rain on the deck above my head. I find that very relaxing for some reason. The really hard rain, torrential by the look of it, passed us by on both sides. Pity, I would have liked to have checked the deck for leaks from the inside while it rained. I might have even taken a nap!

Back in the workshop I put the first coat of varnish on the mast. It doesn't take long just half an hour or so. However, once it is done no more work can be done for fear of stirring up clouds of sawdust and shavings.
