2017.04.23 - More Tabernacle and Centre Plate Top- Continued

The tasks today were to continue with the tabernacle and curved top work and to completed anything else that I could usefully do.

The curved top now has the rest of the sides added as well as some strengthening pieces.

The side pieces effectively extend the curved sections to the ends of the top and both slot into the box on the top of the centre plate case. The reinforcing bits are glued over the join.

Once the glue is sufficiently set, hopefully later on this afternoon, the top will be offered up to the case again to check if any adjustments are required.

Next up, as they say, was the tabernacle. This was put in place with the new backing pad, the mast being used to ensure that the tabernacle is bolted at the correct angle. Apart from the occasional tightening of the nuts as the butyl tape squeezes out this completes the tabernacle installation.

The hawse pipe was also installed and, as you can see, bedded with butyl tape. A backing pad was made and added under the deck as potentially this could be jerked a bit if I'm not careful when letting out the chain.

This is the backing pad epoxied in place. Once the nuts are tight on this I'll coat the backing pad with neat epoxy before putting the chain locker in place and fitting the sampson post.

Time for lunch.

Whilst I was waiting for glue and epoxy to dry/cure I decided that since I had the mast on the tabernacle it would be a good idea to raise the mast and measure the distance from various parts of the mast to various parts of the hull so that I have the correct lengths for making the standing rigging. With that in mind I tied two pieces of 6mm rope to the mast with a loop over the bolsters that will support the shrouds and a piece of 8mm rope with a loop over the mast where the forestay will be supported. This rope was run through a block (pulley) attached to the gammon iron where the forestay will be attached and then led aft to the cockpit. Then with the help of my beautiful assistant, Tina, I stood in the cockpit and lifted the mast whilst pulling on the rope. Tina used the side ropes to steady the mast and to stop it from going up too fast. Then all the ropes were fastened off and pictures taken. The mast is up!!!

It doesn't look at all bad. The height looks correct and so does the angle. It slants just a little backwards which is perfect. It will probably need adjusting when in the water but it's near enough correct right now.

The mast thickness looks just a little thicker than I would have expected but not too stumpy. We marked the ropes 12" up from the attachment points, let the mast down, put it back in the workshop and had a cup of tea.

I measured the ropes from the upper bolsters to the marks we made and wrote them down.

Then I took the cramps off the curved top and offered it up to the centre plate case.

It needed a little adjustment where there were chamfers of epoxy in the corners of the box, but otherwise it fitted nicely. The trimming was carried out next, a coat of epoxy put on the inside and any gaps filled on the outside. I set it aside for the epoxy to cure and will give it the last cleaning up and sanding tomorrow ready for varnishing.

After yet another cup of tea I took a look at the forepeak.

The chain locker was installed, the sampson post put in position and the restraining bolt fitted and the gap between the post and deck sealed.

Whilst I had the sealant in my hands I resealed the forward joints in the cockpit as I didn't do a very good job the first time.

Then I took my life in my hands (not really) and vacuumed the interior.

Finally I stood back and admired the boat. I don't think I'll do any more today, I have a date with Tina. Dinner and a movie.
