2017.03.25 - Fitting the Hardware

The aim of the next few days is to get the boat out of the workshop so that I can continue the spars. Although Naiad will be under a cover whilst outside, I still need to waterproof certain parts such as the post lights, fore hatch, main hatch and Sampson post.

The cockpit was first for treatment, the poop deck latches were installed, the cockpit seats, jib sheet cleats, main sheet bullseye and cleat.

So far nothing has stuck or needed trimming due to the varnish.

These hooks are new. Well old really, since they came with Naiad when I first bought her, but they have not been installed before on the rebuild. I put seven on each side at 12" intervals and will be used to secure the cockpit cover or tent. There will be other ones as well but I won't put those in place until I make the cover and tent. It takes a surprisingly long time to put fourteen of this in place. thats twenty-eight holes to be drilled and twenty eight screwed to be screwed in place. Looks nice, though.

Two lines fairleads were added to the back of the cockpit. The rudder up and down hauls will be run through these...

...and out through the ones in the poop deck and secured in the jamming cleats.

The port holes took a long time also. The inner part had butyl tape applied to the barrel before installing and the outer ring also had butyl tape put in the inner surface. This made it quite tricky to get the bolts lined up but it was all done eventually. I still have to trim the excess tape away but not until tomorrow when the excess has all squeezed out.

I put a little too much butyl tape on the port side, a lot more has squeezed out as you can see. Oh well, it doesn't go off, so I'll just use it somewhere else.

Once the tape has been trimmed the bolts will be carefully sawn to length in situ, thread lock applied and the nut tightened up again.

The perspex port light were a little easier to do as the butyl tape only had to be applied in one place. However, all of the bolts had to be shortened by 10mm and that took time. The other wrinkle with these is that I needed Tina to give me a hand when tightening up the nuts.

The butyl tape looks a bit odd but as long as it does the job I'll not be too worried about it.

This one may need to be replaced as I over-tightened the nut by accident and cracked the perspex in two places..

The other crack at the bottom is nearly all the way round! It isn't really, it's a trick of the light. However, I'll buy some replacements as I expect that the UV from the sunlight will degrade the perspex over time and having replacements ready to go will be a good idea.

The result looks good. I hope they are watertight!
