2017.03.02 - Day 11 - Evening

Just to be different this evening I installed the electrics box. It didn't take long but it did make change from just varnishing and painting which I did next anyway.

I bit awkward to photograph.

And one of those things that will be impossible to view other than crooked. The only nearby line to which it is parallel is the join between the bridge deck and the cabin upstand and that will be hidden by the fire blanket when it is mounted. The three closest 'reference' lines are the curved coachroof, the slanting edge of the companionway and the slightly sloped cabin side. No matter from where you view this box, it will look crooked!

Two coats of deck paint on all the surfaces that need it, so this part is done. Three coats of varnish on the rubbing strake and the outer side of the toe rail.

Three coats of varnish on the main hatch...

...and three coats of varnish on the top of the fore hatch.

I think I may need to buy another can of varnish. I've used up pone already and I haven't started the cabin sides or the cockpit yet, to say nothing of the spars.

Maybe that should be another two cans.
