2017.02.26 - Day 15 - Morning

The next few days will follow a similar pattern. First any tasks that create dust or shavings will be carried out first and then painting or varnishing will be done once the dust has settled. Once the paint has been applied the workshop will be closed for the day to give the paint a chance to dry without too much dust getting onto the wet paint.

The first task of the day saw the rubbing strake being cut and rounded so that the lower edge has a 45 degree angle and the top edge is no longer "sharp".

All the sections of the rubbing strake were cut and rounded this way.

Even the short pieces on the transom.

The edges of the plywood showing in the main hatch were covered with a short piece of moulding.

The hatch itself will be modified slightly to allow for this covering.

The light mounts were epoxied in place held up with temporary screws. This one will be a bright light over the galley.

These two will also be bright above the centre of the cabin.

This one...

...and this one will be not so bright as they are above the bunks about where your head would be.

This is the mount for the fire extinguisher opposite the galley.

And this is the mount for the fire extinguisher by the fore hatch. The idea being that there is an extinguisher by each exit.

A good morning's work, time for a break.
