2017.02.19 - The Bottom Paint

The name of the copper epoxy paint that I am using on Naiad is Synergy from Reactive Resins and I will be putting on 5 thin coats of the compound as per their documentation. The problem with this is the time it will take. You see, the compound is water borne in that the epoxy and copper are mixed in a water base and cannot being to cure until the water has evaporated. So the official overcoating time is double the time it takes the coat to become touch dry. If it take an hour to reach this point then you leave it another hour before applying the next coat. Given that it takes about 45 minutes to mix and apply a coat of Synergy then it could take quite some time to apply all five coats. Fortunately for me, the first coat was touch dry in an hour meaning that I am going to be taking around twelve hours or so to get all the coats applied.

The masking tape put on before the tie-coat was applied was removed soon after the tie-coat became tacky so that the tie-coat was not damaged. This morning I re-taped the hull before applying the first copper coat. Here we are about to mix up and apply the first coat.

And here is the first coat applied.

The documentation states "The first coat will look thin and uneven, this is normal. Each successive coat will build thickness and improve appearance. Do not go back over a coat to ‘touch it up’".

As you can see from this photo, they are dead right!

Coat number two.

Coat number three.

Coat number four.

Coat number five at last and the masking tape removed.
