2017.02.18 - The Tie Coat

The next session of the day saw the application of the tie-coat to the hull. The waterline was taped off using masking tape, the two-part epoxy tie-coat mixed and then applied. The company that make the Tie-Coat left enough space in the tin to add the hardener with room enough to stir it. Just as well since the solvent is xylene or a xylene based compound and as I recall that can dissolve some plastics.

The finish looks ragged...

... firstly due to the masking tape...

...and secondly due to the uneven curing...

...at least, that's what I think it is...

...as the areas that have had longer to cure have become quite even...

...and the shine will probably disappear once the epoxy is fully cured.

I am now committed to applying the copper epoxy by 4am on Monday morning, after that and the tie-coat and the copper epoxy will not bond. The weather is looking good so I expect to get the four coats done tomorrow.
