2017.01.16 - Locker Door Hinges

The locker door hinges arrived in the post this morning so the first task of the evening was to fit the locker door. Having done that I started on the centreboard flat top. I think I have just about enough plywood left to make this without having to join bits together. I will probably have to make the curved top from off cuts, though. We shall see.

The locker door in place. I put this catch on the door but I don't like it much so I'll get another of the latches that I used on the galley locker.

This space will hold the battery, the two sets of plates and, if there's room left over, the bowls. If not then I'll put in a shelf or two to hold plastic storage boxes.

Here I have glued two piece of oak together. I need a piece that is about an inch wider that the single width for the top of the centreboard case flat top.
