2023.10.03 - The Saga of the Kitchen Paper Roll 1

Last weekend I made some good progress on rearranging things on Naiad such that the things used most are easily accessible, but there are a few items that I still need to deal with and one of those is the kitchen paper roll.

Currently I pack it into two plastic bags, one inside the other to ensure that the roll does not get wet, and that then lives at the back of the seat in the cabin shown above, along with a few other things. The problem is that when I'm sailing it is usual for everything on the seat to fall off as the boat heels over. Having to get the roll out of and back into two plastic bags doesn't make things easy either, so I need to find it a new home.

There are very few outdoor, waterproof & convenient holders for paper towel rolls so I'm going to have to make one. Finding a pipe large enough is easy, it's finding the space in Naiad to fit such a large pipe. However, it dawned on me as I was going to sleep last night that there's no reason why it has to stay round. If I were to squish the roll then it would be oval instead and I could put it into a rectangular box and there are several places where I can out one of those.

However, I'll need to measure up the spaces I have to find out which is going to be the best one to use.

Something to put on my task list for my next visit.
