2023.03.05 - Reviewing the Task List

Back in early January I posted a list of the tasks that I needed to carry out before Naiad was put back in the water. You can find the post here; 2023.01.09 - Boat in the Workshop and since I'm having a day off from working on Naiad I thought I'd revisit the list and see what has changed.

  • Remove the trailer guides
  • Fit the eyebolt in the stem. 50%
  • Cut the chain locker down. 40%
  • Remove the fairleads on the bow.
  • Fit the new fairleads.
  • Drill a number of small holes in the area around the leak.
  • Flood the leaks and the holes with penetrating epoxy.
  • Fill the leak and holes with thickened epoxy.
  • Make the metal backing pads for the chainplates.
  • Remove all the loose items from the inside of the boat.
  • Invert the hull.
  • Scrape the dead growth off the bottom.
  • Sand the starboard side.
  • Cut and layout the glass mat.
  • Coat over the repair with epoxy.
  • Lay on the glass mat and cover with epoxy.
  • Lay on peel ply and cover with epoxy.
  • Remove the peel ply once the epoxy has cured.
  • Make and fit the keel band to the keel and bilge keels.
  • Over the area of the transom leak with epoxy, glass mat & peel ply.
  • Remove peel ply once the epoxy has cured.
  • Fill the holes left after removing the gudgeon & pintle from the transom.
  • Make copper protection pieces to fit under the gudgeon & pintle.
  • Refit the gudgeon & pintle a little higher to clear the broken screws.
  • Sand the entire hull.
  • Copper epoxy the hull under the waterline.
  • Paint the topsides.
  • Paint the boot top.
  • Invert the hull.
  • Refit the tabernacle.
  • Fit the new chainplates.
  • Refit the chain locker.
  • Refit the sampson post.
  • Sand the brightwork.
  • Varnish the brightwork.
  • Repaint the deck and coachroof if necessary.
  • Move the boat out of the workshop back into the Hay Barn.
  • Move the spars in to the workshop.
  • Sand and varnish the spars.
  • Dress the spars.
  • Move the boat onto the hard standing.
  • Dress and fit the mast and spars.
  • Add two cringles to the mainsail where the clew was cut off.
  • Bend on the sails.
  • Lower the mast and prepare Naiad for transport

The tasks in red were not done either because I decided that they were not necessary or because something else made the task unnecessary. Such as adding the two cringle to the mainsail, that is no longer necessary as I have new sails for Naiad.

The tasks in blue were done a different way.

The tasks in purple are yet to be started.

Where the task has been started but not completed I have added a percentage representing how complete the task is at this stage.

That's pretty good progress. The remaining task list now looks like this:

  • Remove the trailer guides
  • Fit the eyebolt in the stem.
  • Cut the chain locker down.
  • Sand the topsides.
  • Paint the topsides.
  • Paint the boot top.
  • Invert the hull.
  • Refit the tabernacle.
  • Refit the chain locker.
  • Refit the sampson post.
  • Sand the brightwork.
  • Varnish the brightwork.
  • Repaint the deck and coachroof if necessary.
  • Move the boat out of the workshop back into the Hay Barn.
  • Move the spars in to the workshop.
  • Sand and varnish the spars.
  • Dress the spars.
  • Move the boat onto the hard standing.
  • Dress and fit the mast and spars.
  • Bend on the sails.
  • Lower the mast and prepare Naiad for transport.

There's still a lot to be done but most of the tasks are quite short and many can be carried out in parallel with others. Varnishing and dressing the spars, for example can be done whilst Naiad is still in the workshop being painted.

Having seen this task list made me want to do something on Naiad today, even if it were not much. So I mixed up some epoxy, went out to the workshop and put epoxy a-n the new top edge of the chain locker.

The entire top edge was first coated with neat epoxy.

Then thickener was added to the epoxy and used to fill in some of the gaps. The ragged edges of the epoxy will be trimmed off before it has completely cured with a sharp knife.

Time for a cup of tea.
