2023.03.02 - Weather Window Opens

The forecast for today and the next two days is for warmish conditions but turning colder at the end of Saturday and for most of next week. So, now is the time to get the copper epoxy on.

Today's task, therefore is to sand and clean the area to be covered.

This is a job I do not particularly like doing and it has to be done immediately before coating the hull, ideally.

So I have done the sanding and then wiped down the surface with alcohol.

The result is pretty good. Of course, before I put on the copper epoxy tomorrow I'll have to give it a light sand and clean away the dust, but since that is just a light sand it will be quick.

All in all, the result is quite good.

The tape goes on next.

Tomorrow before the light sand I'll have to take a paint scraper to remove the white boot top that you can see above the blue tape.

Hopefully that won't take too long.

The copper epoxy will be applied and then allowed to reach the tack-free stage whereupon the second coat will be applied but not later than 24 hours. However, these times are for an ambient temperature of 20 Celsius and will need to be extended for cooler temperatures. So, first coat tomorrow morning, second coat on Saturday morning, probably and then more coats on the new bits. Hopefully the cooler weather next week will not prevent these from curing but if it looks like they are taking a long time to cure, then I'll use the small heater to warm those areas up a bit.

I think by the time the weather warms up again the epoxy will be sufficiently cured to be able to turn the boat up the other way which will allow me to continue with a few jobs such as the bobstay fitting and painting.

Time for a cup of tea.
