2023.02.13 - Yet Another Beautiful Day

Although the morning was not too warm, it wasn't too cold either and by late morning, with the sun shining it turned out to be a really lovely day. Little or no wind and the air temperature around 10 Celsius just the sort of day when you'd rather be out on the water. Unfortunately, Naiad is still the wrong way up for that just yet and I still have to sit in my office working. Still, once work is done for the day I can crack on.

There are two remaining tasks on the keel, the central keel bands and the glass and epoxy reinforcement of the stem. It will be too late this afternoon to get any epoxy work done, but I can certainly finish off the preparation that I started yesterday and with tomorrow's forecast predicting even warmer weather, if I get the preparation completed today then I can do the epoxy and glass work tomorrow morning. [Edit] No I can't, the new epoxy pumps won't arrive until later in the day, but the forecast for Wednesday is still good. 

So, the task is to finish the preparation, much as I really don't want to do it, my arms and back still ache from the first side. It's going to be one of those 'grin and bear it' jobs that just has to get done.

It was as hard and I didn't want to do it just as I thought earlier in the day, but it did get done. But that's all. I ached after 90 minutes of scraping away. You can see the result above.

Here is a "'from the top' view just after I'd wiped the whole area down with alcohol to ensure that any remaining dust was removed and any finger grease or such like.

Pat-on-the-back time for getting it done.

Time for a cup of tea.
