2021.11.19 - Getting Ready to Move

There is still a fair bit to be done before Naiad goes back in the water since she will not be close by anymore. This means that the things I had planned to do when she was back on the river,  I now have to do before she goes to West Mersea.

The hull has been painted and I have taped the bottom of the waterline.

Here the top is also taped...

...and the first coat of paint added...

...under the watchful eye of the foreman.

Next up was some lead melting. I have just poured the second set of weights.

These are the first set.

This is today's haul, about 25kg or 55lbs.

By this time the foreman was only interested in lunch.

And after that, an afternoon snooze.

I, on the other hand, continued by using a thick sheet of plywood supported at the same height as the work bench to make an extension that I can use as a sail loft surface. Here I have the job stretched out. 

But work on the new headsails will have to wait until tomorrow.
