2021.05.18 - Painting I

Today started the paining of Naiad beginning with the coachroof which was washed down yesterday.

Firstly the solar panel cables had to be tied up out of the way.

Then the area to be painted had to be taped off. This is the aft section...

...and this is the forward section. I didn't tape the fore hatch as I want to paint the lower part and theres a gap between that and the hatch which should serve. Likewise the mast step will be painted at the bottom.

Here is the result about half an hour later with the paintwork done and the tape removed.

You can see the paint up the fore hatch and mast step in this picture.

That's all I intent to do today apart from adding more of the Liquid Copper to the areas touched up yesterday and I did that earlier.

Time for a cup of tea.
