2017.10.23 - Getting Darker

It is fairly obvious that it will not be long until I will not be able to sail in the afternoon. It is 5pm as I sit in Naiad‘s cockpit with my mug of tea and already the light is fading and I will soon have to get on my bike and go home.

After the hour change next weekend it will be dark by 4pm and sailing will only be possible at the weekend, weather permitting.

I can still come down to the boat for a cup of tea and to be perfectly honest the exercise will do me good, but sailing is right out.

I’ll leave it as long as possible, of course, but I think I will take the boat out of the water for the Winter after all. Then I’ll be able to work on her during the dark evenings no matter what the weather does.

I’ll aim to keep her afloat until mid-November and put her back in the water at the beginning of March. It should be light in the afternoon by then.

I hope!