2022.11.29 - Working on the Tabernacle.

On both the launch back in December last and the haul out just recently I didn't make a special spar support for Naiad in the bows, instead I used the tabernacle and in hindsight this might have been a mistake. In a prior post I mentioned that I had a leak through one of the bolts that fixed the tabernacle to the coachroof and when I looked at Naiad once she was back home I noticed that one of the two backing pads had become unsealed and I surmise that both problems were caused by the spars jolting in the tabernacle on the journey to and from West Mersea.

So, one of the tasks is to remove the tabernacle, make any repairs and to put it back in place once the boat has been put back the right way up after being inverted for the hull work. It will be left off whilst the boat is upside down since not having it on the boat means that I do not have to support the boats do high off the ground.

This is the end of the task showing the compression post removed from the inside. With that removed I can take out the centre plate which must be done before the boat can be inverted.

The four holes in the coachroof where the bolts are located. I bought more stainless flat bar than I required for the chain plate backing pads and I'll just some of that for the inside on these bolts.

As I suspected the tabernacle and shim came off the backing pad far too easily.

The tabernacle, compression post and bolts now in the workshop.

Took less than an hour to accomplish and another task ticked off the list. Putting it all back together again is a separate task.

A bit later on in the day I asked Tina to give me a hand taking the centre plate out of the boat I can do it by myself but it is not easy as the plate is quite heavy. With two, however it is much easier. It also seems to be aided by the still wet mud that coated part of the plate. It hasn't been that warm so the mud and growth is taking a long time to dry off.

The centre plate propped up near the hose so that I can wash the mud off later. The waterline can be seen quite clearly.

A closer look at the lubricating mud.
