2022.03.15 - Camera Installation

The forecast for the day was good so I took the chance and went down to Naiad early. I arrived about an hour after low water and was soon out on the mooring. It was a warm and sunny day and I didn't need to put the heater on. The kettle went on regardless.

The waterproof sealant seems to have slowed the ingress of water considerably, but the seep is still active.

But first things first. The camera was mounted on the mast just above the boom and gaff and I sat and had a coffee whilst playing with the camera above my head using my phone to view the scene. I also sent a text to Tina and she also viewed the video from the camera. This is going to work well, I think.

I had decided that if the sealant had not stopped the seep then I would try something else. The problem is that the water ingress is from underneath the sealant pushing it away from the hole. If it had been the other way around with the water pressure forcing the sealant into the hole it probably would have worked. So I had brought along some wood, paint scrapers and polyurethane (PU) glue.

My Leatherman has a bone saw which I used to cut the plywood to shape, scraped the sealant and paint off from around the seep, smothered the area and the plywood with plenty of PU glue and wedged the plywood against the joint through which the water is seeping.

The idea is that PU glue not only requires water moisture to cure properly, but it foams as well. It normally relies on humidity in the air and the instructions even say that for a better joint the wood should be dampened before clamping the pieces together so I'm hoping that the "pressure" from the foaming glue will force some of the glue into the seam and stop the leak. That and the pressure from the plywood being clamped against the hull. I'll find out if it worked on my next visit.

I did however, forget to take any photos this visit so that will have to wait until the next visit as well.

There is a problem with the camera. I keep looking at what Naiad is doing! I found out that at low water neaps, if the wind is from anywhere between North West and South East, then Naiad is aground on the mud. If the wind is from the other half of the compass, then she is still afloat. However, at low-water springs the wind has to be fairly strong from the South West for her to remain afloat. Still, that's not really a problem since I can't get onto the water if the tide is below 1.5m as the firm gravel of the public hard stops at this point and further out than this is pure mud.

The view from Naiad at around high water neaps.I deleted the audio from this clip as the wind noise was too loud.

And the view from Naiad at low water springs. As you can see when the camera is pointing to the sides, the water isn't that far away and with a South Westerly wind she would have been laying the other way and in the water.
