2022.01.14 - Quick Visit

Since the forecast was good for today I set off really early to visit Naiad. By really early I mean leaving around 05:30. The drive was easy and boring which is good since exciting journeys are usually those when something goes wrong.

Still, I arrived unloaded the dinghy, rowed out to Naiad and put on the heater and the kettle all before 08:00. 

My tasks for the day were to repair the leak that I noticed on my last visit and to try to make a pattern for the cockpit tent. The waterproofing went well although I won't know if it is fixed until later on. 

I took a short break after that and flew drone around the boat for a while. I had to stop this since the gulls seemed to think that something flying around the boat meant that there was food nearby and flocked around the drone. They didn't mob or attack it, but they certainly did get in the way, so after about 15 minutes of flight I stopped and make a start on the next job.

This wasn't easy since in order to make the template I had to put a tarpaulin over the cockpit and part of the coachroof and that meant having to do the rest from in the dinghy. I got most of it sorted out but my fingers got cold very quickly and I didn't hang around doing this for too long.

Then it was laze around reading and drinking tea & coffee until lunchtime when I decided that it was time to head home.

All in all, a very nice and relaxed visit. I just wish it wasn't so cold.

Quick and roughly edited video clip taken from a drone (DJI Mini 2).
