2020.04.25 - Sorting Out the Leaks

The leisurely tasks for the day started with an inspection of the paint and varnish work.

First up is the bowsprit. As you can see the weathering has been greatly reduced. The only way to remove the rest of the grey would be to sand about 1/8" off the diameter and I'm not going to do that just for the sake of appearances! One coat of thinned varnish has been applied to the bare wood at this point.

Great care needs to be taken as despite the first coat of varnish being thinned and applied liberally, some areas remain uncoated. That grey spot has no varnish, so I'll need to go over the spar carefully and touch up any area that require it, such as this.

The tiller is coming along although I'm not sure how I'm going to get the rope work back on, but that's a problem for another day.

The name plates now have two coats of grey. these will need to be sanded before another grey coat is added and then I'll apply black and yellow paint as required.

One of the small but irritating leaks developed where the cables for the solar panel pass through the coachroof. The sealant failed so I bought a low-profile, side-entry deck gland. This fits under the solar panel and will hopefully, prevent water getting into the cabin in future. Time will tell.

The flag pole holder. I made the mistake of not sealing the bottom of the flag pole and it got wet and the would not come out due to the wood swelling. I had to saw the pole off and then drill out the part that remained inside the holder.

Unfortunately, I forgot that the plate at the bottom does not cover the bottom of the holder and so I drilled into the deck!

You can't really see it from this photos, but I fixed the problem by pouring neat epoxy down the holder which has sealed up the mess the drill made of the deck. The drill did not go all the way through, fortunately. But another job done.
