2020.03.29 - Pressure Washing

The task for today was to pressure wash as much of the hull below the waterline as possible.

This turned out to be a little harder than it should have been for a number of reasons. The first being that all of the rubber grommets on the pressure washer hoses are split so a lot of water leaked out. The second is that Naiad sits too low to be able to get under the hull and the roof of the hay barn is too low to be able to use the long washer lance high up.

Still, where I was able to get at the hull below the waterline, the dried up green algae and slime came off easily. Normally you would haul out at a boat yard and wash immediately before the stuff has a chance to dry and it usually comes of very easily that way. I was impressed at the lack of weed on the bottom which either shows that the copper epoxy is doing a great job, or not much weed grows here or a combination of the two.

Judging by the comments from other boat owners at the club, the weed does grow fairly extensively and most of the boats are taken down to King's Lynn for at least two weekends during the season to put the boat in salt water which then kills off the weed for a few weeks.

I tried the washer on the deck and cabin sides and found that it cleaned those pretty well also and that is where I found that the roof is too low. I washed off one side from stem to stern but not the other so that I had a before and after photo opportunity. I'll do the rest of the deck et al on a slightly less freezing cold windy day!

This is the after photo of the up stands...

...and the side deck.

Compare that to the foredeck...

...or the other side deck...

... or the other cabin sides to see the difference although the sun is not shining on this side which makes it look worse.

So, not a bad 30 minutes work. The ship's bottom will have to wait until I turn her over to get properly cleaned and I have to invert her as we damaged the hull in a couple of places getting her onto the trailer and those will need to be repaired before she goes back in the water.

The side decks, cabin sides and top will need to be done soon as I intend to rub down and repaint/revarnish most of the upper parts of the boat and I can't do that until she has been washed down.

I want to replace the chain plates with the longer ones, I feel that the ones I put on are too short but first I have to save up the £220 it will cost to get them.
