2019.11.02 - Working Party November 2019

As I mentioned in my last post, this weekend is the working party for the cruising club and as my shoulder is still in fairly good shape I went along. The new bank capping I did for my own mooring was so well received that my task for the working party was to complete the mooring bay so that the mooring next to mine is also new and to do the next bay over.

I won't bore you with the details as it is pretty much the same as for constructing my bank capping.

Instead, here is the completed bank capping for my mooring and the next mooring...

...and here is the completed capping for the next mooring bay over. The owners of the two boats in this bay are physically unable to do this work themselves due to old-age and/or illness so they generally lent a hand where possible and I did most of the work with the occasionally assistance from others when I needed more than two hands.

I did get to do some rowing on the river as we had a few clumps of Floating Pennywort around and these needed to be taken down past the club so that they could continue down river and over the Denver Sluice where they will then die in the salt water. At the moment the moored boats prevent them from moving and hence the need to move them.

Here is a short clip of a patch of Floating Pennywort drifting past the club house two weekends ago, complete with a passenger which is why I filmed it:
