2019.04.06 - Two in a Boat

One of my brothers was visiting this weekend and the weather forecast for this morning was suitable for sailing so we hied down to the boat at just before 08:00, put on the heater, which he wanted to see, and the kettle. My brother sat and watched whilst I prepared the ship and shortly after the tea was poured we pushed back out of the mooring at 08:05 or thereabouts.

The wind was a bit fickle since it was blowing form the North East and that meant for the first part of the trip down river we were in the shelter of some trees and the club house, but once past those we had a reasonable sail, tacking as far as the wind generator before we turned and ran back to the mooring. The outward trip took an hour and the run back about 30 minutes.

Apart from the first and last 100m or so my brother helmed and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Although we both had cameras we didn't take any photos as we spend most of the time talking!

We returned to the mooring just before 10:00 and were home just after Tina arrived back from her hack.

Good timing that.
