2018.04.26 - Finishing Up Part II

Today is launch day but there are still a few things to be done. So, another early start saw the last of the tasks carried out with the exception of the rudder and bowsprit which will go in the minibus once I return from a dentist appointment in the early afternoon and the food which I will buy at Tesco when I get there this afternoon.

The logistics of the launch are tedious! I took Tina to the station this morning and this afternoon I will take Naiad to Ely and get her launched. Then, with her safely in the water I'll return home with the trailer, leave the trailer and the minibus at home and drive the Galaxy to Ely where I shall park it in Tescos car park. I'll then buy my food and a coffee and walk over to the quay and start rigging Naiad. Tina will then get of her train at Ely an hour or so later, collect the car and drive home after a short visit and a cup of tea on Naiad. Tomorrow Tina will need to collect me from the boat club in the evening.

As I said, tedious.

With the potential for a great number of things to go wrong, the only problem of the day turned out to be not being able to turn into the boat yard gate. I had to leave Naiad blocking the way whilst we opened the second gate in the entrance, whereupon I reversed Naiad back out into the road and then took a slightly wider angle to get her into the yard.

I had removed all the strops and also the trailer electrics and here is Naiad approaching the slipway in reverse.

Getting closer.

Down the slip...

...and into the water. I stopped taking photos at this point as I was needed to take Naiad's ropes and to make her fast to the boat yard quay.

The rest of the trip followed and I managed to get Naiad on to the public quay just after 18:00. I rigged her with the exception of the mains'l and the after Tina had visited and gone home I lowered the mast and paddled down river under the four bridges and turned in for the night.
