2015.10.09 - Robins Timber

Not much to say about today’s work on Naiad except that it’s avery long way to Bristol from King’s Lynn!

Robbins Timber is a great woodyard but if you ever visit be warned that it is at the end of a cul-de-sac and there are many vehicles parked on both sides of the road throughout the industrial estate. I took down our horse box and was fortunate enough to be able to turn around whilst another lorry was blocking the traffic trying to get down where I was turning.

The staff at Robbins are incredibly friendly and helpful and the prices are entirely reasonable in my opinion considering that I was buying marine quality wood.

However, I really do not want to do that journey again. Even though I timed it perfectly missing all the rush hour and Friday traffic, ten hours driving is not something I like to do at the best of times.

I did relieve the tedium of the journey by listening to ‘A Shepherd’s Crown’ audiobook, written by the late Sir Terry Pratchett and read by Stephen Briggs.
