2015.11.22 - Final Pre-Inversion Preparations

The weather has decided to cooperate today there’s no wind and although this morning it was around zero Celsius, by the afternoon the temperature has risen a few degrees and I got to work on the remaining items before the hull can be inverted. As you will see from the photos below the chain hoists and support columns are now in place, the cradle has the final braces fitted, the hull has been braced, the guide holes drilled and the screws holding the bilge keel to the hull have been removed

Next stop, inversion!

The completed cradle

A different view of the cradle

Chain hoists and support columns in place. The one at an angle is quite secure even though it probably doesn’t look like it

Three bracers in place to stop the hull from being deformed during the inversion

Holes where the bilge keel screws used to be.
