2015.11.21 - More Cradle

The poor weather continues and it has been too cold to do much in the workshop. The bitter North wind seems to find every hole in the workshop of which there are many and the only way to work is in coat hat and gloves. This makes it a little difficult to do anything. Hopefully the weather forecast for tomorrow will be correct and there will be much less wind and thus feel a tad warmer. I’d really like to get the boat inverted.

Still I did manage to get 5 of the 8 braces on the cradle as you can see from the photos below. The good thing about today was that the port lights arrived less that 24 hours after they were ordered and they look fine.

The two braces on one end of the cradle in place.

The centre brace.

And the two braces at the other end of the cradle.

The reason why only 5 of the 8 braces were attached. The other three are cut and drilled but to attach them I’ll have to get the cradle out of the workshop!

The bronze port lights. This is a good day!
